Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Giveaway Day #2!!

BeLoved: A Baby Booty-tique
Set of your choice. Either Ties or Clips
shipping is $3 on this
Find her on Facebook!

Hand Painted Boy Puzzle Block
Blocks are 2"x2"
Ready to ship
Offered by J. Pogo Designs
Find her on Facebook or Etsy!

Loopty Loop Boutique
Cute Crocheted Items!
$5 Giftcard
Find her on Facebook!

Sweet Stuff Baby Boutique
0-12month Necktie
Find her on Facebook

I am going to keep the entering pretty simple with up to 3 entries per person.  Of course you are always welcome and encouraged to spread the love on whatever social networks you may be a part of.  

To enter:

Mandatory entry
You must ‘like’ each vendor’s page, leave them a quick comment saying hello or thanking them for their gift to us!  Please do not spam your business all over their wall. It's just not nice!
– leave just ONE comment telling me you did so

Extra entries (leave a separate comment for each 2 additional comments max)
Post on facebook about the contest.  Please be sure to tag @The Swanky Peacock and each vendor when doing so.  Your entry MUST appear on my wall to be counted.  Be sure you remember the ‘@’ and choose/highlight the correct page, be sure your settings are set to ‘everyone’ and the little lock is unlocked. 
–leave one comment telling me you posted

Post on Twitter tagging @SwankyPeacock.  Again, it must be tagged to count. 
–leave one comment telling me you posted
That gives you up to 3 possible entries.  Contest will run for 1 week.  
Winner will be posted next Tuesday!
Good Luck!



  1. I posted about the constest on my page!

  2. I thanked each vendor today :)

    Thanks! Kristen Hallmark!

  3. I posed about the contest on my page! Thanks, Kristen Hallmark :)

  4. liked/thanked each vendor

    rebecka lozano

  5. tweeted and tagged

    rebecka lozano

  6. liked all on fb
    chris polson

  7. shared on fb
    chris polson

  8. I liked each vendor and left a thank you

  9. I posted the contest and tagged each vendor with the @ on my page!

  10. liked each vendor and left a "thank you"

  11. liked and said thanks

  12. I liked each vendors page on fb and said thank you.
